Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Intending a Great New Year!

(picture taken by me)
© Copyright 2007 Patricia Sanders. All rights reserved.
What are your intentions
What are your intentions for 2008?
Many times when we write down our goals for the coming year most of things manifest. I have done this for years and when I have gone back and looked at my list, most of the things manifested.
When making intentions, which I do not just do at New Years I simply put the goal I want to arrive at down.
Imagine your goal as already being accomplished
Put emotion and energy into it
Act on your inspirations
When you put energy into it, visualize your goals with emotion and then act on the inspirations that follow your intentions will manifest. If they do not, the timing could be wrong or the universe has other plans for you. Always remember that an intention should be done with the mindset of thy will be done. God or the universe knows what is best for us and sometimes its plans are better than mine. I always try to keep that in mind.
For instance in my last marriage I intended for it to work out. I wanted to keep it going, stick with it. Things did not seem to follow this intention, so I prayed for God to show me what to do. In that instance life showed me what to do and I knew I had to leave. At the time I did not know that a much better love was to come into my life and one that would make me much happier and bring me many blessings. I had to follow where I felt I was being led and TRUST. That is something I see alot of people not realizing when it come to intentions- that if your intention did not manifest trust that something better is coming for you. If you are being inspired along the way you should be flowing with life. If you are not happy, you may be on the wrong track.
For the new year ahead what do you want to manifest?
Make it a great year! (why not? You deserve it) Tell yourself you are going to have a great year and then have one!
Write down your intentions and goals.
Act on your inspirations...
And enjoy the journey along the way.
As Deepak Chopra says: when we are following our bliss it will be easy.
I know when I am following my bliss it is fun, it does not feel like work. I feel passionate about what I am doing. I love it. When you are on the right track that is how it should feel.
What brings you bliss?
What inspires you?
Ask yourself these questions as you set goals for the year, and most of all

Books I recommend: The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale
Your Best Year Yet by Jinny S Ditzler
Movie I recommend: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success- Deepak Chopra

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