Monday, November 3, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin for president

Check out my lens on Palin for president. A question one must ask themselves when deciding who to vote for. If something were to happen to McCain, Sarah Palin would become our president.

What do you think of that?

Are you okay with a female president?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My lens is in the top 100

Come see my lens at squidoo. It made it into the top 100! Woo hoo! I'm excited.

I'm working on being a giant. You must have 50 lenses to make the giant squids. I have 57 lenses so far.

The next giants are appointed Sept. 30th.

Check out my lens

I squidoo, do you?

Check out my lens

Come to squidoo! This is one of my lenses.

Squidoo is a great way to have fun, write, promote, network, make money and blog about anything you want, making other squidoo friends. Check it out!

There is so much to do at squidoo!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Casting Away Shadows

My book of poetry and inspirations.
Some samples from Casting Away Shadows
As Timeless As Creation
Bring joy
To this table
My worn out heart
Tired from
Bad choices
Wrong turns
This face
As its own
Bring love
To this room
What was broken by time
Reconciling false beliefs
With the magic
Of its touch
The softness of its reach
Bring laughter
To this home
Uplifting views
Of serious disdain
Releasing illusions
Inviting life in though
Doors that were closed
By harsher lessons of life
Bring light
In its purest form
The dance of the soul
The flight of the heart
An embrace
As timeless as creation
© Copyright 2008 Patricia Sanders. All rights reserved.
back cover
Available here
Casting Away Shadows
The light has come
To cast away the shadows
In time’s remaining hands
All that was left undone
Becomes a finished chore
Dancing into the light
Of remembrance
Of who I am
My sacredness
A key I have turned
My worthiness
With timid hands
That forgot
How to shine
The shadows barely there
As they come
Into the light
To merge
Into wholeness

Pele's Treasures

Need a 2008 Calendar?
Check this one out!
2008 Calendar
This is at my store: Pele's Treasures
Poetry on products, plus artwork and photography is sold there as well.
The clothing is 100% great quality cotton.
We have fun products like this one.
There are journals to keep you inspired with various covers. Here is one example.
There are magnets with words or art or photography on them.
An example of a note card
Here is a coffee cup we offer.
Here is another product.
For ho'oponopono we have many items.
More of my poetry on products.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


My husband and I absolutely love Hawaii. We have both studied huna. This eventually led us to ho'oponopono and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and then to Joe Vitale and his book Zero Limits and his audio of the seminar in Texas with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len ( pronounced ee-howl-ee-aw-ke-la). We were already practicing ho'oponopono before hearing and reading about them, but after finding them we learned the art of ho'oponopono in more depth and began cleaning more and more.

We have also been on a conference call with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mabel Katz. It was a great experience.

What is ho'oponopono?

To learn more about this I highly recommend Joe's audio of the Texas seminar and his book Zero Limits.

I will explain briefly.

Ho'oponopono means to make right or perfect state. With ho'oponopono(pronounced ho-o-po-no-po-no with a long o sound) a person takes on the responsibility of everyone around them. That is to say they do not point the blame for the world around them and the actions of themselves or others as out there or someone else's fault. They accept responsibility and blame for what is around them.

An example of accepting blame is to have someone come up to you and say something negative or perhaps something that hurts you and you in turn ask yourself what in me is causing this.
To clean this situation you say:

Thank you

I love you

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

I personally will say thank you for this situation so I can clean it. I'm sorry that I held an error in my perception. Please forgive me for my error in perception. I love you.

Dr. Len tells you to do it similar to that.
It is mainly to accept that the world around us is but a mirror reflecting to us our error or correct perception in the way we are viewing the world. Joe writes about how cleaning brings to that point of Zero or where inspiration comes. It is alot of work and not for the faint of heart.

For a deeper understanding of ho'oponopono buy Joe's book Zero Limits and start cleaning!

Thank you

I love you

I'm sorry

Please forgive me

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Discovering Our True Selves

Each of us is here to discover our true selves; that essentially we are spiritual beings who have taken manifestation in physical form; that we're not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences, that we're spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences।"
- Deepak Chopra

We live in the mundane world, the material world, but the reason we are here is to spiritually grow and learn। We are here to experience. Light cannot appreciate its light unless it has experienced darkness.

I think it is so easy to get focused on the material world, on gathering "stuff" and I do not see anything wrong with wealth, in fact we are worthy of wealth। It is also important, however to not neglect how we are doing spiritually, to pay attention to voice of our own soul.

I do this by meditating and highly recommend this to get in touch with the inner self। There are so many benefits to meditating, one of which is finding answers. So many people look outside of themselves instead of quieting their minds and going inward to listen to the quiet voice within. It is not the chatter of our mind that knows. It is the quiet voice within the voice of nothingness. In that space where your mind is empty and quiet wisdom comes, our own inner wisdom. It can come as inspiration, an epiphany or a vision in your mind. It is here where we get in touch with how we are doing spiritually and can affect change more readily.

There are many avenues to connect spiritually such as drumming, singing, yoga, tai chi, journaling, being open हेअर्तेद

When you live spiritually everything you experience is seen as spiritual to you। Developing compassion and living a heart centered life are important factors in living spiritually. When you do these two things it connects with one another. You grow spiritually much quicker in connection with another than you do alone. We are mirrors of each other in ways we do not realize.

We see others as we are, not as they are. We usually do not see others clearly। We see them through the filter of who we are. Everyone will not see someone the same way you see someone.

This comes back to an earlier post of being the change you wish to see in the world and relates to this topic of spiritual growth। What you experience around you can be changed simply by changing you, by inner work. Inner work that starts by getting in touch with the inner you through meditation.

Life will cause spiritual growth whether we intend it to or not। We are granted periods of grace to reflect, regroup, reenergize, heal.

How are you experiencing yourself spiritually?

Where have you grown spiritually?

If you could picture your spiritual self would it be full of weeds, barren, a beautiful garden?

Start today nurturing your spiritual garden...

Grow spiritual flowers of beauty, love, light...

Be a light in this world...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Matrix

(my daughter drew this, you can see more of her drawings in my photo gallery)
I love the movie The Matrix with Keanu Reeves.
I tend to see the world through spiritual eyes. I believe that God speaks to us through movies, books, music,poetry, other people etc. So when I saw the movie The Matrix for the first time I loved it! The message I saw in it was....

When we remember who we are...
We don't have to dodge fear anymore.

To me the bullets were symbolic of fear. There are only two choices in life to choose.
Ask yourself is this decision based on love or is it based on fear.
In the Matrix you could see that he did not remember who he was for alot of the movie.
But(and this is important for us to remember)when he remembered who he was
when he stood IN THE LIGHT of remembrance of who he was fear(or bullets) could not affect him.
What a great analogy!

Pay attention in your life to messages coming to you...

Remember that when you stand in the light of who you are fear cannot affect you or other people's fear.

How do we get to that place of standing in the light?

That is another topic. But it comes down to knowing thyself which I have referred to in other posts.

Let the universe or God speak to you...



There is usually a message that will speak to your soul in some way.

Intending a Great New Year!

(picture taken by me)
© Copyright 2007 Patricia Sanders. All rights reserved.
What are your intentions
What are your intentions for 2008?
Many times when we write down our goals for the coming year most of things manifest. I have done this for years and when I have gone back and looked at my list, most of the things manifested.
When making intentions, which I do not just do at New Years I simply put the goal I want to arrive at down.
Imagine your goal as already being accomplished
Put emotion and energy into it
Act on your inspirations
When you put energy into it, visualize your goals with emotion and then act on the inspirations that follow your intentions will manifest. If they do not, the timing could be wrong or the universe has other plans for you. Always remember that an intention should be done with the mindset of thy will be done. God or the universe knows what is best for us and sometimes its plans are better than mine. I always try to keep that in mind.
For instance in my last marriage I intended for it to work out. I wanted to keep it going, stick with it. Things did not seem to follow this intention, so I prayed for God to show me what to do. In that instance life showed me what to do and I knew I had to leave. At the time I did not know that a much better love was to come into my life and one that would make me much happier and bring me many blessings. I had to follow where I felt I was being led and TRUST. That is something I see alot of people not realizing when it come to intentions- that if your intention did not manifest trust that something better is coming for you. If you are being inspired along the way you should be flowing with life. If you are not happy, you may be on the wrong track.
For the new year ahead what do you want to manifest?
Make it a great year! (why not? You deserve it) Tell yourself you are going to have a great year and then have one!
Write down your intentions and goals.
Act on your inspirations...
And enjoy the journey along the way.
As Deepak Chopra says: when we are following our bliss it will be easy.
I know when I am following my bliss it is fun, it does not feel like work. I feel passionate about what I am doing. I love it. When you are on the right track that is how it should feel.
What brings you bliss?
What inspires you?
Ask yourself these questions as you set goals for the year, and most of all

Books I recommend: The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale
Your Best Year Yet by Jinny S Ditzler
Movie I recommend: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success- Deepak Chopra

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